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Starz Family Roots

Our Family's Journey Through Time


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
151 http://interactive.ancestry.com/1995/MIUSA1775D_135016-00391 Calhoun, James (I_1601620558)
152 https://books.google.ca/books?id=4Yg-5sOYFxwC&lpg=PA447&ots=p5PhTBVyMn&dq=jacob%20van%20etten%20lieutenant%20revolution%20new%20jersey&pg=PA447#v=snippet&q=vanetten&f=false Van Etten, Jacob (I_1601620576)
153 https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/169671422 Kohlmeier, Fred (I6130644587)
154 I have in my possession a framed lithograph sketch of a scene in Darlington, England. It is entitled, NORTH SIDE of the CENTRE of BONDGATE, DARLINGTON, 1853. The sketch is signed by Samuel G. Barlow. The picture was given to me by my father, Arthur Barlow, shortly before his death February 10, 1995. It is not known who in the family owned the picture in previous generations. For several years, it was believed that the sketch had been done by Samuel Barlow, son of James and Margaret Bulmer Barlow. Through recent contacts with a cousin, Janice Barlow Dykes, in England, it has been determined that the sketch was in fact done by Samuel G. Barlow, son of Henry Barlow. Janice also stated that she has a copy of Samuel's sketch.

Janice, also through research at the Darlington Library, had found that Samuel was a great local historian and kept extensive scrapbooks. One of the articles sent by Janice was a copy of William J. Barlow's obituary. (See William J. Barlow) A copy of the obituary was in Samuel's possession and he had added the following handwritten note to the obit. "This is my cousin, the son of James Barlow - my father's brother. S. Barlow, Linden cottage, Darlington, 14.3.98 (1898) This was written March 14, 1898 as indicated and Samuel died April 5, 1898. It must have been one of his last entries in his scrapbook.

Gene Barlow
October 2000

The following is excerpted from an article entitled "From a Memoir" by R. Mountford in 1908.

Samuel Barlow was a grocer and druggist. He was an invalid for many years. He was a Quaker, and occasionally his customers would find his shop door locked and a notice fixed thereto "gone to Meeting." this might occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays (when he reguarly attended the "Friends Meeting House") if he was unable to find a substitute to look after the shop in his absence. His Wife was a daughter of Ann Paxton and claimed to be the first Sunday School scholar in Darlington.

Again in the chapter on Bondgate: "Mr. Barlow, chemist was here at one time but removed to a shop which afterwards became the Apothecaries Hall." 
Barlow, Samuel (I_1601620673)
155 Illegitimate child of Ann Nixon, Adopted by James Barlow Barlow, Ann Nixon (I_1601620415)
156 In later years, the mother (presumeably Elizabeth Jane Hunt) of Elizabeth Ann Barlow, Mary Barlow, and Charles Barlow was approached by a relative of the Barlows to intercede for her three childeren to gain control of a smaller sum of money which "Aunt Margaret" (Daughter of James Barlow's first wife, Elizabeth Toalby) as she was called, and who remained in England, wanted particularly to give these three children. (No mention of where the fourth child, John was. It has already been noted that Wilson died when he was a child) Grandmother Barlow declined to try to get these funds, saying if they were not gentlemen enough to give her the just dues coming to her children, then she would not fight for it. The son of great grandfather Barlow, I believe was the man who pleaded with her to get this money for her children. Whether this cash was in this country at that time, I do not know, but it seemed not too hard to gather in. But all through life the other branch of the Barlow family, namely, the branch Nixon married into, were very comfortably fixed financially, while all the rest worked very hard for a living.

The source of this material (author unknown but suspect a Woodland) was obtained from the Barlow file in the Barnesville, Ohio Public Library's Genealogy Room. 
Hunt, Elizabeth Jane (I_1601620368)
157 In Memory of Richard Dick Moore Barlow Survivors
Born Wife

January 1, 1916 Lucille Brockwell Barlow

Died Daughters and Son-in-Law

December 19, 2002 Joan A. Barlow Kay B. and Wayne Bowles

Service Two Nieces

Graveside, 11.00 A.M Three Nephews
Saturday, December21, 2002


Rev. David B. Lewis


Southlawn Memorial Park
Prince George, Virginia

Barlow, Richard Moore (I_1601620275)
158 Isabel Gibson obit Gibson, Isabel (I_1601620651)
159 Jackson, Ronald V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.. <i>New York Census, 1790-1890</i>. Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes. Source (S830391578)
160 James and Ann Hildrith did not have children. In 1851, they were living in Cockerton Lane, Darlington, and Ann's age was 57, some 13 years older than James. In 1841 they were not married, but Ann was living next door to James and had been his houskeeper. He was a widower with 6 children at home ages between 1 and 12. In his will, he called her "my dear wife."Source: Janice Barlow Dykes
This is the last Will and Testament of me James Barlow of Darlington. Firstly, I give and devise to my Trustees, their Executors administrations or assigns, all my household furniture, stock, implements, cash, bookdebts and all other my personal property whatsoever and wheresoever to sell or dispose of the same by Auction or otherwise as my trustees may think best, and with or from the proceeds thereof I direct that in the first place all my just Debts and funeral and testamentary expenses be paid and satisfied by my trustees and provision made for the maintenance of my family as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and that then twenty five pounds be paid unto Edward Jackson, and my wish is that out of the remainder if any, my trustees do repair and put into good condition my real estate and property, and that what may remain be divided amongst my children hereinafter named as they may need as and for the maintenance and advancement of my children, being minors at the discretion of my trustees. And Secondly, I give and devise unto Samuel Barlow and Thomas Robson my said Trustees their Executors, Administrators or assigns the whole of my real estate and property whatsoever and wheresoever whether in possession, reversion or expectancy, to let and receive the rents, income or profits thereof for the use and enjoyment of my dear wife and children as followeth, viz, - That my said trustees their Administrators or assigns pay unto my wife the annual sum of Eighteen pounds four shillings in quarterly instalments or otherwise for the term of or during her natural life, and that my said trustees their executors, administrators or assigns do pay unto my dear children annually both sons and daughters, viz. - John, Mary, Elizabeth, James, Isabella, and Margaret equal shares or proportions of the rest or residue of such annual rents, that is to such of the children being of age their shares in money, but those being minors then at the discretion of the trustees as aforesaid. And Thirdly, I direct that as early as may be after the decease of my wife and when or before my youngest child shall have attained the age of twenty one years, my real estate be sold either by auction or otherwise my trustees their administrators, executors or assigns think best and after all expenses are disbursed to and paid by my said trustees, their administrators, executors or assigns for executing and administering the particulars named and required in this my last will, I give and devise the remainder of the proceeds or monies and every part thereof unto my said sons and daughters above named, or such of them as shall be living at the time of the decease of my said wife in equal shares and portions (except that in case of them as shall be (illegible) and leaving legitimate issue, such issue to take the share and only the share which their deceased parent would have been entitled to in the event pf such parent having survived my said wife to and for their own use and benefit absolutely. But if my said estate be sold after the decease of my dear wife but prior to my youngest child having attained the age of twenty one years, then I direct that the shares or proportions thereof due to those of my children being minors be invested at the unanimous discretion of my said trustees in elligible property or otherwise for their use and benefit absolutely as they arrive at the said age of twenty one years. And I nominate, constitute and appoint the (missing) Samuel Barlow and Thomas Robson herein named as Trustees to be also executors of this my last will and hereby revoke all former or other wills and Testaments by me at time heretofore made I declare this to be my last Will and testament in witness whereof I said James Barlow have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand this 22nd day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three. James Barlow (James Toalby Barlow) 
Barlow, James Toalby (I_1601620424)
161 James Barlow - Born in Sheffield ,England in 1778. Married to Lady Newton, aka. ElizabethToalby, date unknown. Three children. James and Margaret, and John. There is some question as to the correct spelling and pronunciation of Elizabeth's maiden name. Research by Janice Barlow Dykes at the Darlington Library found the marriage license of James and Elizabeth. Janice said that Elizabeth's maiden name was very difficult to read but she believed it to be Toalby. This may be correct since one of their sons, John was named John Toalby Barlow. The name Waisby came from a document by an unknown author and was found in the public library in Barnesville, Ohio.
Lady Newton, Elizabeth, died in 1811, at age 27. Some time later, James married her cousin. The cousin was also a Lady Newton, aka. Margaret Bulmer. From this marriage came four sons; Thomas, Henry, Samuel and Charles.
Subsequently, the second Lady Newton passed away and James married a third time to Ann Nixon. The family resided in Darlington, England and began James's third family, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, born 1817, a son, William J., born December 5, 1824. At the time of this marriage to James, Ann Nixon already had an eight year old daughter, Ann. It is not clear as to who the father of Ann was. It was said by one of her descendants that Ann was illegitimate. It is assumed that James adopted Ann because records indicate that Ann Nixon Barlow married Richard Woodland.
During the Administration of Andrew Jackson (1829-1837), James migrated to the United States and arrived in Baltimore, Md. on September 30, 1831. He came alone and was listed on the ship's manifest as age 50 with the occupation of Farmer. However, records in England indicate that James was a weaver or cordwainer.
Speculation is that perhaps James thought emigrating as a farmer was more likely to get him into the country. His family arrived some time later (to be determined) After arriving in Baltimore, it is not known what occupation James had but the family did stay in the Baltimore area for approximately six years. During that time, they had another son, Amos, born in 1832. In 1837, the family moved to Barnesville, Ohio where they bought a farm on the south side of town. It is not known what prompted the move other than the Barnesville except that there has been evidence that other Barlows were in that area. Thus far, no one has been able to make a connection. There is most likely a connection, perhaps cousins, but that is yet to be determined.William J., James' son by his third wife also migrated to the U.S. at some point in time and subsequently settled in Barnesville, Ohio. William J. died February 20, 1898 and his wife Hannah, died December 28, 1895. They are buried in the Green Mount Cemetery in Barnesville.
James' Last Will and Testament bequeathed either money or property to all of his children except Margaret, who remained in England, and Samuel, who migrated to the United States sometime after James.
This data gleaned from a two page, author unknown, paper in the Barlow file of the Barnesville, Ohio Public Library, Genealogy Room andfrom the Darling, England Public Library. 
Barlow, James (I6987438166)
162 James N. Barlow became a blacksmith and farmer in Quaker city, Ohio, just about six miles west of Barnesville. He learned blacksmithing from John Morgan in Quaker City, Ohio. James had two sisters in Baltimore, one in Newark.
On the 3rd of September, 1903, James N. was killed when run down by a street car in Columbus at a horse show. Newspaer accounts relates that he dropped a $10 check from an auctioneer . When he got off the streetcar to pick it up, he was hit by another street car passing by in the opposite direction.  
Barlow, James N. (I_1601620348)
163 James T. Woodland served 3 years in the Union Army during the Civil War. He entered the Army at the age of 20 years on August 5, 1862. He was in Co. C52, Regiment OVI and acheived the rank of DO. He was mustered out of the Army on June 3, 1865.  Woodland, James T. (I_1601620409)
164 James was believed to have been born in Sheffield. There are two accounts which lead to this conclusion. First, James' occupation was listed a a filecutter. File cutting would have been part of the steel trade which was the main industry of Sheffield. Second, when James' son, James and his wife, Elizabeth Toalby had their son, James Toalby Barlow baptized at St. Cuthberts in Darlington, James gave his birthplace as Sheffield. He also gave the same information when his other son John was baptized in 1809. Barlow, James (I_1601620730)
165 Kingston, Ulster Co, NY Westfall, Juriaan (I_1601620524)
166 Kingston, Ulster, New York Etten, Jan Jacobsen Van (I_1601620574)
167 Kingston,Orange County,NY Westfall, Marretjen (I_1601620573)
168 Lt. in Capt. Vernooy's Company (Wawarsing and Rochester) DuBois, David (I_1601620512)
169 Marcia and Ronald were subsequently divorced. He remarriad and Marcia did not. She kept her married name. Marcia resides in Prince George County, Virginia Barlow, Marcia Ann (I_1601620237)
170 Margaret was born at Parkhurst Prison where her father was a teacher.
Margaret was buried at Carisbrooke Isle of White. 
Barlow, Margaret Matilda (I_1601620679)
171 Marital Status: Married Kilbert, Theresia (I_1601620713)
172 Marital Status: Married Robinson, John Good (I25790086768)
173 Marital Status: Married Robinson, John Good (I25790086768)
174 Marital Status: Married; Other Relation to Head: Spouse Schallier, Barbara (I252222333106)
175 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Daughter Crandall, Albena (I25775698633)
176 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Father Kilbert, Georgius (I_1601620641)
177 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Father-in-law Kilbert, Georgius (I_1601620641)
178 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Starz, Frank Peter (I_1601620740)
179 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Barlow, William Crosby (I_1601620736)
180 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Samson, Ervin Delbert (I_1601620720)
181 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Samson, John (I_1601620718)
182 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Crandall, John Sobieski (I_1601620716)
183 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Starz, Johann (I_1601620714)
184 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Samson, Andrew (I_1601620652)
185 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head VanEtten, Charles Henry (I_1601620635)
186 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Samson, Charlotte Copland (I_1601620627)
187 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Samson, Mary (I_1601620625)
188 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Samson, Julia (I_1601620624)
189 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Gibson, Robert (I_1601620588)
190 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Crandall, Fred Joseph (I_1601620492)
191 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Crandall, Fred Joseph (I_1601620492)
192 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Crandall, Fred Joseph (I_1601620492)
193 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Crandall, Fred Joseph (I_1601620492)
194 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Gates, Hubbard (I_1601620467)
195 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Gates, Hubbard (I_1601620467)
196 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Irish, Ralph Orrin (I_1601620464)
197 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Kilbert, Simon (I6129320708)
198 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Kilbert, Simon (I6129320708)
199 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Kilbert, Simon (I6129320708)
200 Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head Rose, Victor Albert (I6131058032)

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